"Remember to Live, Laugh and Love"

All images and writings are copywritten by Daniele Sharpe unless stated othewise.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Patients is a Virtue

Sometimes you have to wait for good things to come to you.

The old saying "patients is a virtue" is certainly true. I worked on practicing patients, as I would say to my children, these past two weeks. Sometimes this is not easy to do, especially in a world of almost instant gratification. But as hard as it was to stay still and focused, my patients paid off. I would have missed these great opportunities if I had not taken the time to be still and wait. It is amazing what you will see when you take the time to wait and watch.


  1. Enjoying your photos...and it is so true, the best pictures are the ones that you sit still and wait for...acute patience is probably the only way to get a still photo of a hummingbird...which is why I still don't have one myself!!

  2. Wonderful photos especially the hummer photo!!
