"Remember to Live, Laugh and Love"

All images and writings are copywritten by Daniele Sharpe unless stated othewise.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sunset on the Storm

I was at my son's football practice and noticed the sun setting on the storm clouds from earlier. Just before the sun sets is the best time to see dramatic colors in the clouds. I could see people in the bleachers looking at me and then looking in the direction of where I was shooting to trying to fingure out what I was looking at. (Since the practice was in the oppositie direction). They probably thought I was loosing my mind. I am sure I was the topic of converstation for some on the way home, espcially when I started to move around to compose the pictures. Too bad they didn't notice what they were missing!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Morning Visitor

While sitting on my deck I heard something whiz by my head coming very close to hitting me. I discovered that it was one of the humming birds that have been coming to our honeysuckle bush every year for a few years now. My children have named him "Zippy" and he has become a seasonal pet that we look for every spring and feed all summer long. Whether or not it is actually the same humming bird is unknown, but my kids believe it is and get a kick out of watching for Zippy and taking care of him all summer. Zippy has become very accustom to us being on the deck because let's face it, my kids have yet to master the ability to be quiet for long periods of time. When I took these photos my son was playing on the deck and I was only a few feet away with nothing hiding me.